Park Ridge Community Church

Park Ridge, Illinois -

Phone: 847-823-3164

Park Ridge Community Church Overview About PRCC Park Ridge Community Church (PRCC) is a welcoming Christian community with a rich history dating back to 1843 and aspirations for continued faithful growth into the future. PRCC is organized in a tradition of self-government but is affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Our church provides an environment conducive to the development and strengthening of Christian faith through worship services, exceptional music offerings, outreach programs, Christian education, and a wide variety of fellowship opportunities. The church also encourages members and friends to practice, demonstrate, and share their developing faith. Church Membership PRCC has a membership of approximately 325, including many who grew up in the church as well as those who discovered it on their Christian journey. Our diversity is reflected in the various religious and denominational backgrounds of our members. PRCC has a deep commitment to continue growing and serving our congregation and the community at large. Staff and Church Governance The staff and church governance are devoted to work closely together in caring for all the needs of the church. The professional resources of PRCC include full time as well as part time and volunteer positions, including but not limited to: Senior Minister, Associate Minister, Director of Pastoral Care, Minister of Music, Director of Christian Education, Parish Coordinator & Parish Secretary, Bookkeeper, Custodian Theological Position of the Church Our church is a fellowship of Christians having a wide variety of religious backgrounds. As such, members bring an array of theologies with them. The congregation demonstrates respect for each individual’s understanding of God and his or her creation and salvation. This variety of viewpoints is summed up in our Statement of Purpose. Statement of Purpose We desire to associate ourselves in a fellowship of the Christ Spirit and covenant to accept one another in diversity of faith, supporting each other in love and respect. The fellowship that is our Church grows from and builds upon the traditions of the various Christian Churches of the centuries. We intend as individuals to grow in our understanding of the true nature of God and the way of life taught by Jesus Christ. Unity with God is our goal, Jesus Christ is our way, the Bible is our greatest resource, and the Church is our visible, sustaining fellowship. As members of this Church, we shall go forward together in freedom, seeking continually to learn more of the true nature of God and His purpose.